Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products on WordPress.

Easy Digital Downloads is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products on WordPress.

Whether it is software, documents, photos, ebooks, songs, graphics, videos, or any other type of media file, Easy Digital Downloads provides a complete system for effortlessly selling your digital products.

What is Easy Digital Downloads?

Easy Digital Downloads is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products on WordPress.

Key Features

What We Like

  • Easy To Use
  • Payment gateways
  • Integrations
  • Extensible
  • Actively supported

Could Be Better

  • There isn’t really anything that we don’t like about Project Easy Digital Downloads!


Easy Digital Downloads plugin integrates with several popular plugins and third party services by a great collection of useful premium and free optional extensions.

Easy Digital Downloads integrates with Strip, PayPal, Slack, Zapier, Amazon S3, Dropbox , MailChimp, Gravity Forms, and more.


From eBooks, to WordPress plugins, to PDF files and more, Easy Digital Downloads make selling digital products a breeze.

Using the extensions built specifically for EDD to customize the functionality of your online business.


  • Is Easy Digital Downloads for you?
  • What kind of support options does Easy Digital Downloads offer?
  • How much does Easy Digital Downloads cost?

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